
Invited Speakers for the 1st Annual Meeting of JSLM

We would like to inform you of the latest presenters’ information for the JSLM academic meeting to be held online from November 13th (Sat) to 14th (Sun), 2021. As you can see, wonderful speakers active in medicine in Japan and overseas will give lectures, and the lineup will align with the sub-theme of the academic meeting: “Lifestyle Medicine: From the Perspective of the World and the Perspective of Japan.”


The detailed meeting schedule will be announced on this website as soon as it is confirmed. If you are interested in lifestyle medicine in Japan and around the world, please join us.




Hiroaki Masuzaki, MD, PhD (Professor and Chairman, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Hematology, Rheumatology, Graduate School of Medicine (Second Department of Medicine), University of the Ryukyus)

Title “Perspective on Lifestyle Medicine in Near-Future Japan: Lessons from Okinawa Crisis and Application of IoT and AI for Management of Lifestyle-Related Diseases


◉ Mark Rowe, MD (The founder of Waterford Health Park in Waterford, Ireland)

Title “Physician Selfcare”


◉ Shaw Watanabe, MD, PhD (Chairman of Medical Rice Association)

Title “Beyond Medical Care”


◉ Kunihiro Matsushita, MD, PhD (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Associate Professor, US)

Title “Hypertension: Aiming for Diagnosis of the Most Important Risk Factors and Optimization and Efficiency of Treatment”


◉ Kahl Goldfarb, DPT, OCS, OMT, CSCS (CEO of Water & Sports Physical Therapy, US)

Title “Advanced Physical Therapy: Biochemical Treatments, Aquatic Therapy and 3D Infrared Analysis”


◉ Mayumi Muroya (Representative of Beauty Food Association, Ambassador of Ministry of the Environment)

Title “Diversity of Food: Vegan School Meal in Japan”


◉ Pankaj K. Vij, MD, FACP (A family medicine doctor in California, US)

Title “Transforming Lives. Improving Outcomes.”


◉ Ryutaro Shirahama, MD, PhD (Chairman of RESM, Medical Corporation, Appointed Associate Professor, Advanced Science and Technology Research Center, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University)

Title “Role of Sleep Medicine in Health and Longevity”


Panelists from JSLM are participating in the symposium at “the 62th annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine”

“The 62th annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine” is going to be held in Kagawa, Japan on the 10th-11th of July, 2021.


5 panelists from JSLM are participating in the symposium.


Symposium 14  July 11 Sun 9:00〜11:00AM Room D

Lifestyle and Psychosomatic Medicine (Session in Japanese)

Kenji Kanbara (Professor of Psychosomatic Medicine, School of Medicine, Kagawa University)
Osamu Mizukami (Kenkou-Zoushin Clinic)
Tamami Shirai (University of California San Diego)
Aki Kitamura  (Aki  Cardiac Rehabillitation Clinic)
Keisuke Miyamoto (The Queen’s Medical Center)

“Turbo Metabolism”, the Perfect Introduction to Lifestyle Medicine in Japanese, will be released on the 25th of June!

Japanese Society of Lifestyle Medicine will publish 「代謝にターボをかける生き方」 on June 25th. This is a translation of “Turbo Metabolism: 8 weeks to a new you” by Dr. Pankaj Vij.
We recommend this book for those who are interested in lifestyle medicine and who want to improve your health.

You can buy through Amazon at:

There’s 20% discount for the members of JSLM. Please contact at  for further information.

翻訳チーム監訳者のご挨拶 ( A greeting from our translation team in Japanese )


「代謝にターボをかける生き方」は、ライフスタイル医学の絶好の入門書です。 食事、運動、睡眠、メンタル、人とのつながりなど多岐にわたるライフスタイル医学のエッセンスを実にコンパクトにまとめているからです。 健康についての情報は巷にあふれていますが、医師が、ライフスタイル医学の科学的エビデンスに基づき、確かな生活指導をするために書かれた本はそれほど多くはありません。しかも本書はヴィジ医師が長年にわたり何千と指導してきた患者さんたちの実践によって裏付けられています。実際に彼は本書の内容を使って患者さんに指導し、健康を回復させてきました。そのため本書は、実践的な知恵がいっぱい詰まっているだけでなく、患者さんを想う人間としての温かみとユーモアに満ちています。それ加えて、ヴィジ医師がインド系のアメリカ人として、「宇宙や生命力とつながって生きる」というインド古来の教えの流れも受け継いてきただけあって、本書は人生の指南書、深い哲学書の一面すら持っているのです。そして、本書には嬉しいボーナスとして「究極のレシピ」が載っています。このレシピは料理医学の第一人者でもあるヴィジ医師が長年かけて集めた厳選された健康食レシピです。このレシピを日本のある有名なヴィーガンレストランのシェフに見てもらったところ、彼はしばらく貪るように読み進めた後、「このレシピは非常に本格的なものですねえ。このレシピだけでも本書の価格が納得できます。」と絶賛していました。ライフスタイル医学に関心のある医療従事者のみなさん、もしくは患者さんやそのご家族の方だけでなく、健康意識の高い健康な人たちに是非読んでほしい一冊です。


日本ライフスタイル医学会情報企画・出版担当、翻訳チーム監訳者 医師 高木篤

Global Lifestyle Medicine Week

Global Lifestyle Medicine Week has begun. Here are some of the things we can do over the next week to help us choose healthy behaviors for chronic illnesses and increase our awareness.

Please stay tuned to our official Facebook and Instagram.



Our website has been revamped.

We are delighted to announce that our website has been revamped.
The new website is packed with contents and easier to access the information the users need.

Please visit our new Japanese website here (You are on English page now)↓

There’s the Language switching button on the top bar so that you can jump to the English page.
We will update the important information, such as the 1st annual meeting of JSLM and the LM certificate exam in Japan, on the What’s New page.
As you already know, we also have Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter account.
Those are linked to the top bar icons. Please kindly follow us on those SNS, too.


JSLM Membership subscription has started.

If you’re a physician, doctor, medical professional, healthcare executive or an individual in a profession that’s committed to helping advance the cause of Lifestyle Medicine, then we invite you to join us and become part of the movement to transform health and healthcare!

We are also welcoming the individuals who are not medical personnel or corporates/organizations to become our partners.

Members can receive discounts on participation fees at annual meetings, study workshops, journal clubs, exam preparation courses, etc.

Lifestyle medicine is a global network that promotes preventive medicine. There are also discounts for related academic societies overseas, so you can quickly learn information on non-communicable diseases in countries other than Japan. In addition, you can receive explanations in Japanese about the contents of the board certification review textbook (written in English), and you also can receive information of the past exams.