
Our website has been revamped.

We are delighted to announce that our website has been revamped.
The new website is packed with contents and easier to access the information the users need.

Please visit our new Japanese website here (You are on English page now)↓

There’s the Language switching button on the top bar so that you can jump to the English page.
We will update the important information, such as the 1st annual meeting of JSLM and the LM certificate exam in Japan, on the What’s New page.
As you already know, we also have Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter account.
Those are linked to the top bar icons. Please kindly follow us on those SNS, too.


JSLM Membership subscription has started.

If you’re a physician, doctor, medical professional, healthcare executive or an individual in a profession that’s committed to helping advance the cause of Lifestyle Medicine, then we invite you to join us and become part of the movement to transform health and healthcare!

We are also welcoming the individuals who are not medical personnel or corporates/organizations to become our partners.

Members can receive discounts on participation fees at annual meetings, study workshops, journal clubs, exam preparation courses, etc.

Lifestyle medicine is a global network that promotes preventive medicine. There are also discounts for related academic societies overseas, so you can quickly learn information on non-communicable diseases in countries other than Japan. In addition, you can receive explanations in Japanese about the contents of the board certification review textbook (written in English), and you also can receive information of the past exams.